Yukon Energy news release, February 25, 2021
The proposed Atlin Hydro Expansion project is several steps closer to development after a number of critical milestones were reached by Tlingit Homeland Energy Limited Partnership (THELP) and Yukon Energy in the last several months. When complete, the Atlin Hydro Expansion project will increase the amount of dependable renewable hydroelectricity available in Yukon.
In August 2020, THELP and Yukon Energy signed an Agreement in Principle outlining both parties commitment to work collaboratively to advance the project and negotiate an Electricity Purchase Agreement for the project. Since then, THELP has secured $2.5 million in federal funding to complete preliminary design and engineering for the project. THELP and Yukon Energy continue to work collaboratively to seek additional government grant funding for construction of the project.
On December 23, 2020, the Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN) issued a clan directive outlining that, subject to successful permitting approval by the BC and TRTFN environmental review processes, TRTFN supports the Atlin Hydro Expansion project advancing to financing, construction and operation. In follow-up, in January of this year, THELP submitted environmental permitting applications to BC authorities for the planned expansion of its Atlin facilities. THELP has also submitted permitting applications to the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board for the project’s transmission connection to Jakes Corner in Yukon.
Today, THELP and Yukon Energy continue to negotiate an Electricity Purchase Agreement which will outline the price Yukon Energy will pay THELP for the electricity generated and additional capacity made available by the planned project. Both parties aim to have an agreement in place this spring.
TRTFN began operating its first hydro project in 2009. For over a decade, it has shut down polluting diesel generation and provided clean energy to Sunny Atlin. As our community moves toward clean energy, citizens in our homeland have also made personal decisions and investments to move from oil fired furnaces to utilize this clean energy to heat their homes. Our first project was a small step towards reconciling our collective history and this expansion project will be another significant step in that direction. Socially, culturally, and economically we are Yukoners and so we are honoured to be able to share our resources to provide a cleaner energy future for Yukoners and a brighter future for our citizens and all Atlinites.
Peter Kirby, President & CEO, Taku Group of Companies
Purchasing power from the planned Atlin Hydro Expansion project is another way that Yukon Energy is working hard to make more renewable electricity available to Yukoners and to reduce our reliance on diesel in the near future. This project is also special because of the opportunity it provides us to work directly with yet another First Nation government and development corporation to build the clean energy future that Yukoners need and want.
Andrew Hall, President & CEO, Yukon Energy
The Government of Yukon is pleased to support this partnership between Yukon Energy and the Tlingit Homeland Energy Limited Partnership. The Atlin Hydro Expansion project will address Yukon’s growing demand for energy and help us meet the 97 percent renewable electricity goal in Our Clean Future, our government’s climate change, energy and green economy strategy for the territory. Collaborating with First Nations to expand renewable energy capacity will create economic opportunities and keep our economy strong and resilient.
Ranj Pillai, Minister responsible for the Yukon Energy Corporation
Read the original article on Yukon Energy Website.