Clean Energy Development Plan
Changes to the CEDP
Since the Clean Energy Development Plan was submitted, the following changes have been made to the Project.
Change from the proposed Pelton Turbine at Upper Powerhouse to two Francis Turbines (section
This change is proposed to optimize generation and does not affect the design flows or general footprint of the upper powerhouse. Details about the powerhouse and any relevant implications will be provided in the formal submission to the Regional Clean Energy Project Team.
Change from the proposed overhead 25 kV Transmission Line between Lower Powerhouse and Substation to underground 25 kV Transmission Line (section
Burying the powerline will allow us to minimize the amount of clearing required, since the line can be as close as 1 m from the penstock. This will reduce concerns from some residents about possible visual impacts to adjacent properties and to Warm Bay Road.
This update will be formally submitted to government reviewers in our response to their information request, and updated maps will be provided showing the proposed overhead line as underground.
The Proposal references possible summer generation.
This reference was in regards to unforeseen, or temporary events, (e.g., potential emergency use of the plants, assistance during periods of maintenance). THEL would like to clarify that generation from June 1 – September 1 is not proposed, but could be possible for short periods of time for the reasons outlined above.